Work Visa

Work Permit

Work Permit

Welcome to our Work Permit page! At AAIC, we understand that obtaining a Work Permit in Canada can be a challenging and complex process. That’s why we offer comprehensive support and guidance to help you secure a Work Permit and advance your career in Canada.

A Work Permit is a document issued by the Canadian government that allows you to work legally in Canada for a limited period of time. There are several different types of Work Permits, including those issued for temporary work, permanent work, and international agreements.

To apply for a Work Permit, you must first have a job offer from a Canadian employer and meet certain eligibility requirements. Our experienced immigration consultants can help you navigate the application process and provide guidance on the different Work Permit categories and eligibility criteria.

At AAIC, we are committed to providing personalized support and guidance to our clients throughout the Work Permit application process. We can assist with all aspects of the application, including preparing and submitting your documents, responding to requests for additional information, and guiding you through the interview process.

We also provide post-landing services to help you settle in Canada and make the most of your employment opportunities. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards securing your Work Permit in Canada.

* Free First Consultation

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